
Cross Border Transactions

Since its inception, Cafa has been involved in cross-border transactions.

With our multi-office approach, Cafa is the perfect advisor for international buy-side, sell-side and fund raising for cross-border transactions. Whether it’s to assist foreign investors looking to buy or build in North America or assist North Americans looking to expand overseas or raise capital from a different pool than just the local financial players, Cafa’s multi-lingual team has decades of experience in cross-border transactions.  

Cafa acts as a cross-border centre of exptertise in providing guidance such as: 

  • The particulars relating to local commercial, legal, banking, and taxation exigencies 
  • Identifying levels and types of government assistance 
  • Provide guidance on capital structure 
  • Provide introductions to legal counsel and other professionals with cross-border experience 
  • Assist in transferring foreign managers  
  • Recruiting of local senior management and compensation, and 
  • Highlighting cultural and business differences 

Our activities are centered around three main service areas: 

  • Buy-side search and acquisition
  • Sell-side reach
  • International financing services


Our unique buy-side searches are tailored along the following services: 

  • Review and understand the buyer’s strategic objectives and define their ideal targets, 
  • Identify potential candidates across North America, Europe, and Asia, 
  • Approach targets in sequence to initiate a dialogue, 
  • Facilitate the cultural interface, 
  • Structure the transaction, 
  • Arrange for local financing if required, and 
  • Successfully close the deal. 

As part of our sell-side services, Cafa’s Asian and European partners and the firm’s data base of international buyers allows it to: 

  • Have a greater reach to potential buyers who may have a better strategic fit to your business,  
  • Potentially obtain more value for your business with a foreign buyer looking to expand geographically, 
  • Market your company away from your local competitors who can take advantage of the sale to target your clients, suppliers and/or employees, 
  • Possibly protect your business from being swallowed by a buyer who doesn’t need your employees, your family name and/or local community, 
  • Identify a foreign buyer who may look to retain your expertise and services possibly for a longer period or who may take you on as a partner in their larger organization. 

Please read our newsletter “Selling Your Business – The European Advantage” for a more in-depth look into the advantages of marketing the sale of your company overseas.  

As part of its financing services, Cafa is uniquely positioned to access private equity (“PE”) funds and family offices that have appetites and experience in funding international companies. 

  • Cafa has identified a large number of European and Asian PE funds and family offices that are authorized and interested in investing in companies outside their respective markets. We are in regular contact with those already the most active outside their own markets.   
  • Our cross-border approach to equity financing also allows us to present files to a larger pool of specialized or niche funds (e.g. Greentech, tech, energy, etc.) than if we were to limit ourselves to North America.  

Follow this link to see some of the many successful cross-border transactions Cafa has completed over the years. 

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